Your Gateway
to a
Wider World.


Pedagogy theory

Input sessions are facilitated in a way which promotes experiential learning and a deductive approach to the study of language teaching. Furthermore, the sessions are characterized by a pragmatic, practical and creative approach which makes them accessible even for those trainees who come to the course with little or no background knowledge of teaching.

Language awareness

Our aims, in relation to the grammar component of the course, are threefold; to explore the significance of grammar awareness in a language-teaching programme, to raise the awareness of trainees in relation to the nature and key features of English grammar, to offer strategies for the development of language awareness with students of English as a foreign language.

Teaching Practice

During the second and third week of the course you will be required to teach & observe lessons of minimum 40 minutes. You will teach groups of students from at least two different levels of competence in English. We will counsel you on the materials you will use and will offer you extensive support during guided lesson preparation time. As the course progresses, you will be expected to become less dependent on the support of our staff and to demonstrate your ability to work independently.

Cultural awareness

One of the most important aspects of our TEFL program is the opportunities we provide for you to experience the excitement of living, studying and working in a foreign country.
For some trainees this can be a challenging prospect and so our trainers provide you with a supportive and safe environment where you can “find your feet” and then venture out into the unknown.


Life Skills

Supporting you as you seek your first appointment as a TEFL teacher is of primary importance to us. Approximately 80% of our trainees who actively seek employment during the duration of the course will have secured at least one job offer before they complete the program.

Your Gateway to a Wider World…

Lamartine’s famous poetic line reveals his love for Istanbul, a city that embraces two continents, with one arm reaching out to Asia and the other to Europe. Istanbul, once known as the capital of capital cities, has many unique features. It is the only city in the world to straddle two continents, and the only one to have been a capital during two consecutive empires – Christian and Islamic. Once capital of the Ottoman Empire, Istanbul still remains the commercial, historical and cultural pulse of Turkey, and its beauty lies in its ability to embrace its contradictions. Ancient and modern, religious and secular, Asia and Europe, mystical and earthly all co-exist here.

It’s no wonder that Istanbul is always chosen as a top destination for tourists embarking on holidays, as this historical and culturally rich city has figured a lot in the development of Turkey as an empire and a nation. Istanbul is recognized not only for being the economic capital and the largest city of Turkey, it also boasts of being a center of rich Turkish culture and architecture. Heritage sites, buildings and monuments are found throughout Istanbul. It’s also famed for its historic shopping centers and bazaars, beautiful beaches and vibrant nightlife.

Globally Recognized Certificate,
Experiential Course

Our internationally recognized TEFL course is delivered through a combination of workshops, seminars and demonstrations, and is designed to ensure you take an active role in your development as a TEFL teacher. Through a cycle of learning, application, and reflection, our trainees explore their unique strengths and opportunities as teachers. At the end of the course, trainees who have successfully completed all course components receive a certificate that qualifies them to teach anywhere in the world.

At Via Lingua your ability as a language teacher will largely be assessed by your performance in the classroom. This, combined with our experiential training principles, makes Via Lingua the most practical TEFL certificate course available today.

With 120 hours of training, and including 10 hours of assessed teaching practice, the Via Lingua TEFL certificate course exceeds all professional guidelines for the regulation of international TEFL certification courses.

Our TEFL course, based on established TEFL principles and developed over a period of years by our Academic Board, is one of the most thorough and up-to-date in the world today. Including 120 hours of expert tuition with 10 hours of assessed teaching practice, and covering all areas of Teaching Skills, Classroom Management, English Grammar and Phonology, it exceeds all international guidelines laid down for the regulation of the TEFL profession.

Via Lingua is an institutional member of IATEFL (International Association of Teaching English as a Foreign Language).

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